Mother’s Day

Mother's Day*Photo taken by Christine Parker Gregory

Being a mother is the hardest most rewarding job I’ve ever had. Growing up my mother always said I’d never understand a mother’s love until I had children of my own. It’s a cliché sentiment, but it’s so SO true. I just recently became a mother of 2, but in just 5 short weeks I’ve learned that love is exponential. When you’re pregnant with your second child you wonder how you could possibly love another human being as much as you love your first. Well let me tell you, it’s possible. My heart is exploding with love for my 2 children I can barely contain it (and sometimes I don’t). Our little family is complete and I couldn’t be happier.

However, with motherhood (parenthood) your old childless self melts away and sometimes it’s hard to accept. You don’t necessarily become a different person, but your priorities shift dramatically, and inevitably there are certain people who don’t understand (sometimes yourself included). A writer of a blog I read wrote a post called, When friends have babies, from the point of view of not having a child herself. Of course I’m on the other end of the spectrum, but she summed it up nicely by saying:

Mom’s naturally lose themselves sometimes to motherhood, and the childless friends have a hard time understanding why they can’t make time. It is all normal and no one is right or wrong, but the changes are there and it’s a struggle for both parties to adapt.

I struggle with this, and I can see and feel the divide growing. And while I mourn my old life in some ways, I accept who I am today and I wouldn’t change it for anything. I simply love being a mother.

So my message is this… becoming a mother changes you. It changes your life and the people in it. Your priorities shift and sometimes you don’t even realize it. But accept it, because it’s one of the most beautiful things in the world. ❤

Mila | 1 month

Our dearest Miss Mila is 1 month old! It’s hard to believe she’s been with us for that long already. Here’s an update on her happenings:

  • Takes 4 naps a day (if we’re lucky)
  • Nurses every 3 hours during the day
  • Sleeps one 5.5 hour stretch at night, and wakes up 2 times (if all goes well)
  • Holds her head up quite well
  • Started smiling (see below!)

My dearest baby girl, we love you so much.



May the fourth be with you

In honor of today Ben dressed Elliot in a Star Wars shirt this morning, but as you can see by the below that didn’t last very long. We decided to spend the beautiful morning planting in our garden, which of course led to Elliot getting filthy = removal of said shirt. But so much fun was had!




Life with Mila + Easter

Mila is 18 days old today, and while it’s been tough adjusting to life with 2 children (routines thrown off etc.), I really can’t complain too much. I stare at her sweet little face and feel so blessed to have such a wonderful little family to share my life with. Of course the nights are tough and the lack of sleep I could do without, but it comes with the territory and I know it won’t last forever.

Elliot is adjusting to having a sister surprisingly well. He pays very little attention to her, but he makes it a point to say goodbye to “baby” when he leaves for daycare and lets us know when she is crying. Other than that he goes about his business as he normally would — with a smile on his face. I’m so happy he isn’t very phased by the big life change. Phew!

Sunday was Easter and we went over to Ben’s Aunt and Uncles house like we do every year. Elliot had a blast hanging out with his cousins and hunting for Easter eggs. Mila slept most of the time so I hung out with her. It was a fun day 🙂



Mila’s Birth Story

Oh where to begin! Well, my Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014, due date came and went, and I started to feel like our baby girl would never make her grand entrance. I knew I’d eventually be induced if that was the case, but I still had hope that she’d come on her own.

After Wednesday I decided to try and not dwell on her late arrival too much. I was already out on maternity leave, so I wanted to make sure to at least have 1 thing to do every day. On Thursday Camille and I grabbed lunch at Royal Thai Cuisine and then got some frozen yogurt. It was really nice chatting about both of our pregnancies – expectations, fears, hopes; all that good stuff. I had a really great time!

Then on Friday I thought about going to see Captain America. Ben must’ve read my mind because he texted me a few hours after he left for work and said he decided not to go in – his request? Let’s go see Captain America then head to Field Guide for lunch! Perfect.

I met up with Ben at MacArthur for an 11AM showing and stopped at H&M first to pick up a few cute things for Elliot and our impending arrival.

The movie started and every now and then I’d feel some pain in my lower abdomen. I didn’t think anything of it though since it was more than bearable. The movie was great, and it took my mind off things… just what I needed! It was around 1:30 when the movie ended so we walked over to Field Guide to grab some lunch. I work right next door so I stopped in to say hi to Elaine, but I decided not to say hi to anyone else. As weird as it may sound, I felt bad being there still pregnant… like I was doing something wrong, haha! We then walked next door and of course Dave and the guys asked when baby would be here… I wish I knew! I ordered the Party One and a Chocolate Cinnamon Bun, and Ben got the White One with the works. Yum!

During our lunch I noticed those same lower abdominal pains and decided to tell Ben. We both shrugged them off and then headed back to the mall to get our cars and go home.

Once we got home we decided to take Eegor for a walk. Again, those same pains kept coming back. I started to wonder if the beginning of the end of this pregnancy was near. After Eegor’s walk I decided to lay down for a bit while Ben mowed the lawn and then went to pick up Elliot at daycare.

When Ben got back with Elliot, Elliot requested that we go to the park… he had his sunglasses on and his Spiderman phone in his hand and was ready! How could we say no to that?! We obviously obliged, and I thought it would be a good opportunity to do some more walking and see what these pains were all about.

At the park I took a seat on a bench and payed closer attention to the pains I was having. They seemed to be starting to get more frequent, though not consistent or very painful. Watching Elliot and Ben play together was a good distraction, and I felt so blessed so be in that moment with them on that beautiful day.

We headed back home, ate some dinner, and put Elliot to bed at 7PM. I then took my position on the couch and decided complete relaxation for the evening was in order. The pains continued, but again, still not very painful or consistent. I texted my doula, Lacey, and let her know regardless just in case. I also then decided it would be a fabulous idea to finish off my Ben & Jerry’s Hazed and Confused core ice cream. So so good!

Around 9PM I decided I’d head upstairs to bed. I noticed my pains, which I started to officially call contractions, were getting a little more painful and I was worried I wasn’t going to be able to sleep. Nevertheless I felt it would be best if I at least tried. Well, I tried and I would doze off for 5-20 minutes to be awoken by another contraction. I started timing them using my handy iPhone app, but they were still pretty inconsistent. I was told to call the midwife when my contractions are no more than 5 minutes apart lasting for 1 minute for at least 1 hour – the 5-1-1 rule. Since I still wasn’t there yet I decided to continue waiting. I did decide to tell Ben to make sure we had a plan for Elliot and Eegor though, just in case. Ben’s sister Charity and her husband Chris were officially on-call.

As the hours went on I could tell things were starting to pick up, and at 3AM I decided to call the midwife to see what she thought. I gave her the scoop and she said it would be best that I come in. We packed everything up, I took a quick shower, and around 3:45 Chris arrived to watch Elliot and Eegor. I continued breathing through each contraction, managing the pain as best I could.

We arrived at the hospital around 4AM and got checked in. I actually ended up getting wheeled up to the 3rd floor behind another woman in labor whose water had broken, so her trail led the way. I felt bad for her, but I was grateful to be able to smile at the situation as the nurse wheeling me said that never happens.

So I was wheeled to the Midwifery Center and they began hooking me up to be monitored for 30 minutes, which is standard procedure. It was funny because the nurse said I was having a contraction and I was like, “Really? I don’t feel it.” – sweet! After those 30 minutes were up, Beth, the midwife on call came in to check and see how dilated I was. I was convinced, especially since I wasn’t really feeling any more contractions, that I would only be 2cm and they would send me home. Well, low and behold I was 6cm! I was shocked. Ben swiftly called Lacey to let her know and she was there within 25 minutes. Phew!

Since I tested positive for Group B Strep (a common thing), I had to be hooked up to an IV for 30 minutes to get a dose of antibiotics to ensure I didn’t pass anything to the baby during the delivery. In fact, this is supposed to happen in 4 separate doses at 30 minutes each but since I was so far along already no one thought I’d make it. This just meant baby girl would need a blood test after birth to confirm nothing was passed to her.

After the first dose of antibiotics was done, I got out of bed and decided to labor standing up. Our doula, Lacey, was so on it. She suggested I try certain positions to ease the pain and everything she suggested was very helpful. Having both her and Ben there was amazing, and I would highly recommend getting a doula if you want to attempt an unmedicated birth. Heck, even if you get an epidural having that extra support is amazing. After laboring standing up and on a birth ball, I decided to get into the birth tub and try that out. It felt great. The buoyancy from the water was a nice relief for all the lower abdominal contractions I was having. But boy, let me just say that these contractions were SO much more bearable than the back labor I had with Elliot.

While in the tub my contractions started to get more and more intense. Keeping my focus and taking cleansing breaths at the peak of each was key for me not losing control. It was really hard, but I just took one at a time. Again, Ben and Lacey were wonderful.

Around 7AM I noticed the sunrise. It was seriously a Godsend and such perfect timing, because that’s when things started to get even more difficult. Beth checked me again and I was at 9cm… almost there! Soon after I felt a ton of pressure and knew it was time to push. Beth asked me if I wanted to give birth in the tub and even though I had no previous plans of having a water birth, at that point I had no desire to move. Then it was pushing time! It’s funny because every time I pushed I would dunk my face into the water. I don’t know why, but I guess since you hold your breath when you push it just felt natural to me. It took all my strength and after about 20 minutes of pushing, which is when my water finally broke on its own, I could feel her coming out. Beth gently guided her to the front of me and I lifted her out of the water. At that point I couldn’t control my emotions. It was so surreal – lifting my daughter out of the water and into this world. I cried, I smiled, I told her she was beautiful and that we loved her so much. Ben was overcome with emotions too… we were just so happy she was finally here! After the umbilical cord stopped pulsating Ben cut it.

At 7:37am on April 5th, 2014 Mila Marta Parker was born, weighing 7lbs 10.5oz, 20.5 inches long.

I wouldn’t change either of my birth experiences for anything, but this one was much easier. I didn’t tear and my contractions were much more manageable. My recovery so far has been smooth sailing (knocks on wood) and Mila is such a doll. We are home now and enjoying life as a family of 5 (Eegor included of course).

40 weeks!

Yesterday was my due date, but still no baby. I’ll be honest, I’m disappointed, but I’m trying to stay positive. A lot of women go past their due dates, but since I went into labor with Elliot on my due date I thought I would have delivered by now — especially since “they” say 2nd babies usually come sooner. Plus, I’m eating into my limited maternity leave with no baby… frustrating.

If I still haven’t gone into labor by the 9th, I will have a NST (non-stress test) and an ultrasound to make sure baby girl is still doing well. If all is good, they’ll let me go to 41 weeks and 5 days tops. Still no baby? Induction. I really really don’t want to be induced, but if it’s best for baby girl then so be it. She is most important.

In the meantime, I’m doing all that I can to stay busy and bring on labor naturally — pineapple, long walks, spicy food, birth ball, etc. I’m definitely staying away from the castor oil though. That stuff scares me!

If you would be so kind, please send positive labor vibes my way! I really need them. ❤


Happy 2nd Birthday, Elliot!

Elliot turned 2 on Friday… I can’t believe it! We decided to throw him a small birthday party this weekend with immediate family only. I wanted to invite more people, but I’m just too pregnant, and entertaining 6 adults and 4 kids was enough for me. Most importantly, Elliot had SUCH a great time. The weather was surprisingly nice so he spent quite a while outside on the play set with his cousins. Every time I looked out the window he was smiling… that made me so happy.

I made a salad and spaghetti with turkey bolognese for dinner, which everyone gobbled up. And for desert I made a homemade 3-layer yellow cake with chocolate icing. YUM! Elliot is definitely my son because he loves chocolate as much as me, hehe.

I’m completely exhausted today, and my legs and feet ache ache ache. I was on my feet for way too long yesterday. Worth it? Totally!

5 things | February 2014

Here are 5 things I’ve been enjoying lately…

  1. Macro Bars – These healthy vegan bars are SO good! Grow has a well stocked pantry of healthy snacks for all of us to munch on while we work, and I discovered these one day and fell in love. I’m partial to Protein Pleasure and Wholehearted Heaven — both ridiculously yummy. I don’t feel bad eating them, and they are great in a pinch when running into a meeting or whatnot. Yum!
  2. The Killing – Ben and I recently finished watching season 3 on Netflix and are SO hooked. It’s a bit dark, but the story lines are so suspenseful and make you want to keep watching. Apparently the show has been cancelled numerous times, but Netflix is picking it up to do a 4th and final season. I can’t wait! Anyone know when?
  3. Roasted Brussels Sprouts – I’m pregnant so of course my list is going to consist of a lot of food, haha! Well, this brussels sprout recipe is SPOT ON. It’s super quick and easy and not to mention healthy. Since brussels sprouts are in season now I’ve been eating a lot of them.
  4. Mama Mio Tummy Rub Oil – No pregnant woman wants to get stretch marks, period. People say they are hereditary, and I don’t know if this oil has anything to do with me not getting them (yet?), but I really enjoy using it in conjunction with regular coco butter lotion. It keeps my skin soft, not greasy. I highly recommend if you’re expecting!
  5. UGG Classic Cardy Boots – I’m not an Ugg girl AT ALL, but I got these for Christmas a few years back and they are ridiculously comfortable. They are pretty much the only shoes I can wear these days, being 32 weeks pregnant and all. There’s so much extra weight on my feet and these boots are so soft and cushy.

So tell me, what are you enjoying lately?

The big snow!

I’m originally from New Jersey, so I’m no stranger to the snow, but snow in Hampton Roads is a BIG deal — mostly because we are so ill-equipped to handle it. On Tuesday-Wednesday we got 8+ inches, which pretty much shut everything down for the week. It’s Friday now and things are just starting to get back to normal since the temperatures are finally getting high enough to melt the snow and ice. I haven’t left the house in 4 days and I’m getting cabin fever. Ah! Though I’m being extra careful since I’m pregnant, and my coworker fell on some black ice last week and shattered his elbow. Eeeek! Pregnant ladies don’t need to be falling at all, period, so I’ve been nestled on the couch with Eegor for 4 days now, working from home — thank goodness!

This year Elliot is finally old enough to realize what the snow is and he loves it! He exclaims, “Snow, snow!” and repeatedly tells Ben and I that it’s the color white. He doesn’t have any real snow gear so he’s been donning some sweet shark rain boots and extra layers while he plays outside with Ben (and I watch contently from the window).

I was really hoping for snow this year. I’m so happy we got some!

SO much has happened

It’s been almost a year since I made any updates to this blog. Can you believe it?! I’ve never been really good about updating, so I don’t think anyone really missed my posts, but alas, here I am.

Some BIG news…

We bought a house — a SINGLE family house that is more than 2 times the size of our old townhouse (which we are renting out). It’s not perfect, but we’re slowly making updates. Having the extra space is amazing.

We’re expecting baby #2! That’s right, Elliot is going to be a big brother. I’m currently 31 weeks pregnant with a GIRL. I’m so so excited.

I’ll be on maternity leave in 2 months, so I figured I may as well resurrect this space so I can post updates about baby girl while I have the time. Will I have time? We’ll see, haha!